The instructions below are provided to patients as general guidelines. Your physician may also provide instructions specific to the procedure being performed. Please contact the center with any questions.
A member of the surgical center staff will call you prior to your surgery to obtain health and registration information, and to answer any questions you may have.
If you are undergoing anesthesia, DO NOT eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your operation, including no gum, hard candy, or cigarettes.
You can brush your teeth or rinse your mouth, but don’t swallow any water. Failure to do this may result in cancellation of your surgery.
Please notify your surgeon if there is a change in your physical condition such as a cold, fever, or respiratory problems.
Please arrange for a responsible adult to drive you home after the surgery and stay with you afterward, as needed. This person should be prepared to stay at the facility during your procedure and must be 18 years of age or older. In an effort to accommodate all patients and their family members, we ask that you limit the number of family members in the waiting room.
The instructions below are provided to patients as general guidelines. Your physician may also provide instructions specific to the procedure being performed. Please contact the center with any questions.
Please bring your insurance card with you and a form of photo identification.
It is your responsibility to make advance arrangements for a responsible adult to drive you home and remain with you for the first 24 hours after surgery. You may not drive yourself, be left alone, or leave the facility in public transportation unless accompanied by an adult. Failure to meet these guidelines could result in the cancellation of you procedure. We prefer the driver to remain in the surgery center during your procedure.
If you wear contact lenses or glasses, bring a case for their safe keeping. We provide containers for removable dentures and bridgework.
Please remove all makeup & leave jewelry and other valuable at home.
Wear loose, comfortable clothing.
Please bring a list of prescription medications you are currently taking and any eye drops prescribed by your surgeon.
Your family may wait in our lobby and rejoin you upon discharge. Please limit the number of people who accompany you. We suggest that patients be accompanied by only one person to preserve the comfort of all visitors.
If you hold power of attorney or guardianship over a patient, you MUST bring a copy of a durable medical POA or Guardianship papers in order to sign consents for that patient.
The instructions below are provided to patients as general guidelines. Your physician may also provide instructions specific to the procedure being performed. Please contact the center with any questions.
You will be taken to the recovery area. You will be offered a light refreshment and snack.
It is your responsibility to make advance arrangements for a responsible adult to drive you home and remain with you for the first 24 hours after surgery. You may not drive yourself, be left alone, or leave the facility in public transportation unless accompanied by an adult.
You will receive written instructions for your care that may include activity, medication, and your follow-up appointment with the surgeon’s contact information.
Plan to be in a recovery area for 15 to 30 minutes following surgery.
Do not drive, smoke, drink alcoholic beverages or operate machinery for 24 hours, or sign important papers following surgery.
You will be discharged to your car by wheelchair. If anesthesia has been administered, you must have a responsible adult present to drive you home and to care for you following surgery.
You will be required to follow-up with your surgeon postoperatively to check on your progress and discuss any questions you may have.
If you have any unexpected problems, please call the exchange listed on your discharge instructions or your surgeon's office. If you are unable to reach them, please go to the nearest emergency room.
This facility does not provide after hours care, or emergency care. If you are experiencing an emergency please call 911 or go to the nearest Emergency Room.
It is normal to feel a burning irritation and watering for a few days after surgery.
Worsening eye pain that is not controlled with Tylenol
Light sensitivity
A marked decrease in vision
Worsening redness of the eye
Here are some ways to prevent the spread of eye infections:
Wash your hands before and after touching your eyes or face and before and after using medicine in your eyes.
Do not share eye makeup.
Do not share contact lens equipment, containers, or solutions.
Do not share eye medicine.
Do not share towels, linens, pillows, or handkerchiefs. Use clean linens, towels, and washcloths daily.
Wear eye protection when in the wind, heat, or cold to prevent eye irritation.
Wear safety glasses when working with chemicals.
Avoid exposing your eyes to contaminated water
Please notify your Physician immediately if you are experiencing any of the above-symptoms. Notify the surgery Center within 30 days if an infection occurs. If you have any further questions or concerns please notify the staff at St Louis Eye Surgery and Laser Center.