Cataract Surgery

A cataract is clouding of the natural lens of the eye. The most important factor in cataract formation is increasing age, but there are additional factors, including smoking, diabetes, and excessive exposure to sunlight. Cataracts can also be present at birth or be caused by injury to the eye.

More than 20 million Americans over the age of 40 have cataracts, and it is the most common cause of preventable blindness in the world.

Having a cataract does not necessarily mean that you need surgery. A cataract needs to be removed only when vision loss interferes with your everyday activities, such as driving, reading, or watching TV. The decision to have cataract surgery is one that you and your doctor should make together.

While a comprehensive eye examination by an eye care practitioner can determine the presence of a cataract, there are a number of signs and symptoms which may indicate a cataract:

  • Blurred or hazy vision where colors may seem yellowed

  • A tendency to become more nearsighted

  • A gradual loss of color vision

  • The feeling of having a film over the eyes

  • An increased sensitivity to glare, especially at night

LASER CATARACT SURGERY WITH FEMTOSECOND LASER Traditionally, a high-powered ultrasound instrument is used to break up the cataract. Now, the Femtosecond Laser is the latest device that creates bursts of laser energy at an extremely fast rate measured in terms of a unit known as a femtosecond (one quadrillionth of a second). These ultra-fast energy pulses precisely target and break apart tissue or other substances at a molecular level, without damaging adjacent areas. Your surgeon will discuss with you if you are a candidate for laser cataract surgery.

PREMIUM LENSES There are a wide range of replacement lenses available to cataract patients, each offering different advantages for your post-surgical vision. The most effective lens implant depends on each patient's individual preferences and goals for their vision. The latest lens implants help eliminate the need for glasses or contacts after cataract surgery, providing convenient, effective results for your specific visual conditions.  

TORIC IOLs FOR ASTIGMATISM Toric IOLs are specifically designed for patients with astigmatism. In the past, patients with astigmatism would need eyeglasses or contact lenses even after cataract surgery as the basic lens implants did not correct for astigmatic refractive error- meaning it is not an eye disease or eye health problem; it's simply a problem with how the eye focuses light. Toric IOLs correct cataracts and astigmatism with just one lens and provide a more convenient and affordable solution.